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Swift wonaˆ™t state much about her partnership with Styles, other than that theyaˆ™re now friends

Swift wonaˆ™t state much about her partnership with Styles, other than that theyaˆ™re now friends

As well as the instance, Swift managed their feelings by writing about all of them. aˆ?Sometimes the lines in a track is lines you want you can text-message someone in real world,aˆ? she says. aˆ?i’d you should be continuously writing all of these zingers like, aˆ?Burn. ‘ and I also know individuals are likely to obsess over whom it is more about, since they envision they’ve got all my relationships mapped aside. But there is a reason you will find no actual overt call-outs for the reason that track. My personal intention wasn’t generate some gossip-fest. I needed people to put it on to a scenario where they felt betrayed in their own schedules.aˆ?

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